Gunung Tutup, Ponjong

Dening : Haryo Dandun Kusumoyudo

Keturunan trah Narokosuran/ R.Ng. Mangunkusumo II Bomo Norokosuro


RM. Ngali lahir dari istri pertamanya Kangjeng Gusti Pangeran Haryo Mangkunegoro yakni Ray. Rogo Asmoro (Nyi Sonowati) dari Madura. Beliau RM. Ngali diperkirakan lahir tahun 1717 seumuran dengan Pangeran Mangkubumi (HB I). Sewaktu masih kecil berada di Kraton Kartasura, meskipun pada saat itu keadaan Kraton Kartasura mengalami beberapa goncangan pemberontakan era Amangkurat IV suasana yang tak kondusif ia tetap belajar banyak hal seperti kebanyakan anak dari putra mahkota lainnya seperti belajar ilmu pengetahuan, seni, budaya, ajaran-ajaran Islam, ajaran-ajaran kaweruh budi pekerti leluhur dll. Setelah dewasa RM. Ngali kemudian diberi nama Pangeran Tirtokusumo dan menikah dengan Ray. Tirtokusumo (Roro Srimpi) ing Pancuran merupakan darah Banten dari Ratu Mas Banten.

Kemudian saat ayahnya terganjal masalah karena ikut pemberontakan dengan pamanya Pangeran Blitar dan Pangeran Purbaya hingga ditangkap oleh kakeknya sendiri yakni Amangkurat IV tahun 1723, pada tahun 1740 terganjal masalah lagi dimana difitnah oleh Patih Danurejo kemudian dibuang ke Sri Lanka hanya selang beberapa waktu dipindah Ke Tanjung Harapan, Afrika Selatan. KGPH Mangkunegoro saat dibuang mengajak sebagian selirnya dan beberapa anaknya naik kapal menuju ke Sri Lanka lantas meninggalkan istri pertamanya Ray. Rogo Asmoro yang kala itu sedang menderita sakit. Pangeran Tirtokusumo lantas merawat Ibunya bersama dengan istrinya dan beberapa pengikutnya. Berbeda nasib dengan adiknya RM. Said (Pangeran Suryokusumo/Pangeran Sambernyowo) dimana ketika ayahnya dibuang dia masih bayi dan tinggal di Kraton Kartasura bersama ibunya istri keduanya KGPH Mangkunegoro yakni Raj. Ayu Wulan dan Eyang Dalem Sumarsana. Pangeran Tirtokusumo mempunyai anak 4, yang tiga perempuan semua yang paling tua laki-laki bernama RM. Sabar (Mangunkusumo Bomo Norokosuro), yang kelak membantu pamannya RM. Said (Pangeran Sambernyowo) berjuang bersama melawan penjajah VOC.

Sebelum menjadi istri Tirtokusumo, Roro Srimpi (Ray. Tirtokusumo ing Pancuran)  ialah seorang penari Srimpi yang cantik rupawan di Kraton Kartasura yang menjadi rebutan bagi beberapa kalangan Pangeran dan Sentana di Kraton Kartasura. Pangeran Tirtokusumo bersama Ray. Tirtokusumo mengajarkan tari joged Mataram di Kraton Kartasura. Setelah peristiwa adanya fitnah serta menjadikan hukuman pembuangan bagi ayahandanya dan keadaan Kraton Kartasura mengalami akhir keruntuhan, Tirtokusumo berada di Pancuran bersama keluarga dan ibundanya sewaktu Ray. Rogo Asmoro mulai sakit-sakitan Tirtokusumo lantas mengantarkan pulang menuju ke Kraton Kartasura dengan perahu kecil bersama istrinya dan pengikutnya melalui sungai, namun karena sakitnya makin parah dan mulai kendo semangatnya mereka berhenti memilih tempat peristirahatan dimana sekarang dinamakan Dusun Ngendo, Banyudono, Boyolali. Di Sendang Pancuran, daerah Banyudono, Tirtokusumo melakukan laku tapa brata mengharap pertolongan dimana Ibunya sedang sakit parah dengan sembah sujud kepada Sang Hyang Widi, oleh karena itu sendang tersebut juga disebut Sendang Pitulungan. Beberapa tahun kemudian sang Ibu meninggal dan dimakamkan di Astana Ngendo, milik Mangkunegaran. Tirtokusumo disuruh Eyang Dalem Sumarsana untuk mendampingi serta menyusun strategi bersama tokoh-tokoh yang berada di Ngawen yang nantinya beliau membuang gelar kebangsawaannya dengan sesinglon nama Mangunkusumo karena sudah cukup mampu dalam beberapa ilmu pengetahuan. Mangunkusumo akhirnya menjadi salah satu benteng di wilayah sektor paling utara di Gunungkidul di Tancep. Setelah juga belajar di Ngawen terasa cukup dengan para tokoh di Ngawen, kemudian ia memiliki tongkat kayu jati yang kecil dari cerita yang beredar kayu tersebut lantas ditancapkan di sebuah batu besar sehingga memancarkan air dari batu dimana air Pancuran di bukit tersebut dipergunakan oleh warga di Dusun Tancep, Ngawen sampai sekarang. Ki Mangunkusumo mulai mengajarkan ajaran-ajaran yang dikuasai beliau baik pengetahuan umum, seni, agama serta ajaran budi pekerti dari para leluhur baik ke khalayak umum dan Kraton. Sehingga Ki Mangunkusumo di masa tuanya bersama seorang istri tercinta Roro Srimpi dan beberapa cantriknya salah satunya Ki Poncowono dan konon juga seperti Mbah Duwur menetap di daerah Tancep dan mereka dimakamkan di daerah Dusun Sumberan, Tancep, Ngawen.


R.M. Sabar (Mangunkusumo II Bomo Narokosuro) anak sulung dari Pangeran Tirtokusumo saat ditahan di Pancuran kira-kira pada saat sudah berumur 18 tahun dan sudah mempunyai anak yakni RM. Sabar seumuran dengan RM. Said atau nantinya terkenal dengan nama Pangeran Sambernyowo  yang tinggal di Kraton Kartasura  kelak berjuang bersama memperebutkan hak waris tahta Mataram bagi keluarganya dan utamanya mengenyahkan para penjajah yang sudah amat mempengaruhi ajaran perilaku buruk dan memecah belah masyarakat yang ada di Bumi Jawa khususnya Bumi Mataram. Eyang Dalem Sumarsana yang telah mengenyam pahit getirnya keadaaan di Kraton Kartasura dalam bayang-bayang VOC yang kuat, selalu memberikan dukungan yang nyata serta menanamkan jiwa yang merdeka kepada para cucu dan buyutnya yang tinggal di Kraton Kartasura yakni Raden Mas Said (Pangeran Sambernyowo), RM. Sabar (Mangunkusumo Bomo Narokosuro) dan RM. Ambiya. Mereka bertiga selalu mendapatkan perlakuan yang cukup berbeda dengan bangsawan lainnya, cenderung tersisih dengan dijadikan Mantri Gandek di lingkungan Kraton. Oleh karenanya, ketiga saudara ini masih sangat kecil suka bermain dan berkumpul dengan para abdi dalem Kraton Kartasura hingga pada titiknya keluar dari lingkungan Kraton Kartasura pada tahun Jawa 1666 AJ dengan sengkala : Rasa Retu Ngoyak Jagad.

Mereka bertiga dan para pengikutnya salah satunya yang bernama R. Sutawijaya III (Ronggo Joyo Panambang) yakni keturunan dari Patih Danurejo serasa senasib dengan keluarganya KGPH. Mangkunegoro yang kemudian merasa sama-sama keluarganya dibuang, akhirnya mengikuti langkah Pangeran Sambernyowo.

Selain karena untuk mengamankan keluarga Aryo Mangkunegoro, mereka diungsikan di Ngawen sewaktu Raden Mas Said berumur 7 tahun di tempat tanah lungguhnya KGPH. Mangkunegoro dengan pemberian 50 Jung untuk Raden Mas Said, 25 Jung untuk RM.Sabar dan RM. Ambiya 25 Jung. Disana dititipkan oleh Eyang Carik (Ki Ageng Caraka) sahabat Eyang Dalem Sumarsana. Tak lain juga bagian dari kecerdikan serta hebatnya salah satu taktik yang dimiliki Eyang Dalem sehingga di Ngawen ini mereka dapat belajar tentang banyak hal utamanya perihal ajaran hidup leluhur serta keprajuritan sehingga nantinya membentuk pasukan Bregadha Kawandoso Joyo-Alap Alap Sambernyowo di Gunung Wijil dibawah besutan dari R.Ng. Djoyo Wikrama salah satu putra Ki Ageng Caraka, yang nantinya sebagai Manggoloyudo Senopatinya pasukan Bregodo Kawandoso Joyo dan Alap Alap Sambernyowo. Beberapa tahun Raden Mas. Said, RM. Sabar dan beberapa pengikutnya termasuk R. Sutawijaya III digembleng supaya bisa melakukan taktik Jejemblungan, Weweludan, serta Dhedemitan kalau dilain waktu juga diajari banyak kaweruh ajaran seperti Tri Dharma, Aji Jaya Kawijayan hingga deklarasi Ti Ji Ti Beh (Mati Siji Mati Kabeh, Mukti Siji Mukti Kabeh) pada tahun 1740 di Gunung Wijil, Ngawen. Sehingga nantinya mampu dalam keprawiraan ketika peperangan meletus manjadi pasukan Alap-Alap yang siap menghadapi penjajah. Salah satu untuk memperkuat kesatuan ini dengan pernikahannya Raden Mas Said yang ketika sudah berumur 14 tahun menikah dengan  putrinya Ki Ageng Caraka Roro Dewi Pinesthi yang melahirkan RM. Poncosadewo pada tahun 1739, sedangkan keponakannya yang seumuran yakni RM. Sabar menikah dengan putri dari Demang Ngawen yakni Ki Poncosemono.

Mereka dapat dukungan penuh oleh masyarakat Ngawen sekitarnya dikarenakan ada hubungan darah pernikahan, selain hal tersebut juga dapat dukungan dari beberapa elite-elite trah bangsawan baik trah Majapahit, Pengging, Pajang ataupun Mataram dimana saat itu di beberapa wilayah, mereka mengerti kalau keluarga KGPH Mangkunegoro yang seharusnya menjadi penerus Amangkurat Jawi. Mereka berdua juga melakukan ngangsu kaweruh di Batur Agung Gunung Gambar petilasannya Ki Gading Mas dan Ki Onggoloco. Kemudian Raden Mas Said dapat ilham strategi perang dan tata negara   setelah melakukan napak tilas ngelmu dan tapa brata di Batur Agung, Gunung Gambar. Setelah mengalami berbagai macam peperangan yang dimulai dari membantu Sunan Kuning dalam pergerakan Geger Pecinan pada tahun 1740 dipimpin sendiri oleh Pangeran Sambernyowo kemudian beberapa tahun menyerang Kartasura, lantas PB II memerintahkan dan membuat sayembara apabila ada yang bisa menangkap Pangeran Sambernyowo akan dihadiahi tanah Sukowati (Sragen), kemudian Pangeran Mangkubumi seorang yang juga laku tapa brata dan pandai kaprawiran ikut memerangi Pangeran Sambernyowo karena menginginkan tanah Sukowati, setelah berhasil menangkap yang kemudian harinya ternyata bukan Raden Mas Said namun salah seorang pengikutnya yang seolah itu dibuat mirip dengan Raden Mas Said. Kemudian PB II mangkir dan tidak memenuhi janjinya hanya memberikan beberapa jung di daerah Sukowati. Kekecewaan menyelimuti hati Pangeran Mangkubumi, lantas ia bergabung dengan Laskar Bregodo Kawandoso Joyo-Alap Alap Sambernyowo sampai tahun 1752 mengalami perpecahan antara Pangeran Mangkubumi dan Pangeran Sambernyowo. Di tahun 1755 terjadilah perjanjian Giyanti dimana Mangkubumi dibantu oleh VOC mendapatkan kekuasaan dan tanah yang sekarang kita kenal Kasultanan Yogyakarta. Sambernyowo kecewa dengan pamannya sehingga dalam 2 tahun terjadi pertempuran sengit antara Pangeran Sambernyowo dan Pangeran Mangkubumi hingga terjadilah perjanjian Salatiga dan terbaginya Mataram menjadi 3. Selama 16 tahun berperang akhirnya Raden Mas Said diangkat menjadi Adipati Pathi Mangkunegaran dengan syarat tidak melakukan penyerangan lagi dan pasukan Bregodho Kawandoso Joyo tidak boleh masuk Kadipaten Praja Mangkunegaran.

Namun dalam perjanjian tersebut munculah adanya kekecewaan dari pasukan Alap Alap sehingga secara ideologi Ti Ji Ti Beh tetap melakukan penyerangan terhadap penjajah di beberapa tempat termasuk Gunungkidul yang nantinya sifat kandel melawan penjajah ini dikomandoi oleh  Mangunkusumo II/ Bomo Norokosuro selaku Adipati Kadipaten Pathi Ponjong. RM. Sabar atau Mangunkusumo Bomo Norokosuro kepemerintahannya di bawah Mangkunegaran Surakarta menjadi Bupati Pathi di wilayah barat Pacitan, Eramoko, Wonogiri, Gunungkidul sampai ke wilayah Patuk, Bunder barat Sungai Oya kemudian wilayah Kadipaten Sumingkar dimana masuk pangereh praja Kasultanan Yogyakarta. Karena kekecewaan tersebut menghasilkan pulut-pulut atau getah pada nangka yang manis rasanya akhinya dibabat dibersihkan dengan Babad Alas Nongko Doyong.

Selama kisah babad alas nangka doyong, wilayah Kadipaten Pathi sering alami keterpurukan dan keterpojokannya dikarenakan pihak Kasultanan Yogyakarta yang menyuruh untuk operasi Babad Alas Nongko Doyong dengan sayembara. Sewaktu itu awal mula Demang Wono Prawiro dari Piyaman ini yang menerima mandat dari Kasultanan Yogyakarta. Mereka melaksanakan penyerangan kepada tokoh-tokoh kuat di beberapa tempat yang diyakini masih mempunyai misi menghapus segala bentuk penjajah di Bumi Jawa. Meskipun jago dari Gunungkidul selalu menang tapi pada era Bupati Poncodirjo harus mengalami kekalahan karena  Kasunanan Surakarta dan Pura Mangkunegaran sendiri makin condong dengan VOC dan pemerintahan Belanda. Sebagian masyarakat Gunungkidul yang masih kontra dengan pihak penjajah khususnya wilayah Gunungkidul yang masih banyak keturunan dari Majapahit, Pengging, Pajang tak surut padam api yang menggelora melawan bangsa asing sampai pada tahun 1795an VOC pun alami kebangkrutan dimana juga bebarengan dengan pecahnya situasi geopolitik dunia pada saat itu. Di era pemerintahan Mangunkusumo III sekitar tahun 1790 yang menggantikan ayahandanya Mangunkusumo Bomo Norokosuro dimana tidak lama kemudian meninggal saat pertempuran ke Surakarta sehingga meninggalkan 2 istri dan seorang anak dimana akhirnya kedua istrinya dinikahi oleh Panji Harjadipura anak pertama dari Mangunkusumo Bomo Norokosuro. Sekitar tahun 1777 Mangunkusumo Bomo Norokosuro menikahkan satu-satunya putrinya yakni Roro Munting dengan Ki Poncosadewo dari Ngawen yang merupakan anak dari Pangeran Sambernyowo dengan Roro Dewi Pinesthi. Ki Poncosadewo merupakan tokoh pejuang melawan VOC salah satunya bersama Damang Poncorejoso yang waktu itu menjadi Demang Ngawen putra dari Mangunkusumo Bomo Norokosuro. Ki Poncosadewo dan Roro Munting akhirnya melahirkan RM. Poncodirjo sekitar tahun 1780 dari darah yang kuat inilah kemudian beliau pada tahun 1795 sebelum Pangeran Sambernyowo atau Mangkunegoro I wafat, diperkirakan beliau sempat melantik calon kuat yang digadang yakni RM. Poncodirjo menjadi Bupati Pathi Ponjong. menjadi Bupati Gunungkidul era terakhir dibawah Kasunanan Surakarta dan sekaligus juga yang pertama di era Kasultanan Yogyakarta setelah perjanjian Klaten tahun 1830 M dan wilayah Gunungkidul masuk wilayah Kasultanan Yogyakarta kecuali daerah Ngawen. Meskipun sebelumnya RM. Poncodirjo dan tokoh yang lain juga melawan para penjajah VOC bersama kroninya juga kerap kali menang namun seiring berjalan waktu karena terdesaknya situasi dan kondisi hingga titik penghabisan sampai ke daerah Bleberan, Playen, Ngawen sampai ke Ponjong oleh karenanya kepemerintahan Gunungkidul yang bermula di Kadipaten Pathi Ponjong pada akhirnya RM.Poncodirjo mau menerima tombak dan songsong sebagai simbol kuasa dan pengayom Bupati pangreh Kasultanan Yogyakarta di era Sultan Hamengkubuwono V setelah perjanjian Klaten tahun 1830 M serta mau digeser lebih ketengah di Wonosari oleh R.P. Harjodipuro anak dari Mangunkusumo Bomo Norokosuro atau paman dari RM. Poncodirjo sendiri pada tahun 1831 M. Sekian cerita dari Gunung Tutup yang menjadi tutuping gunung atau tutupnya cerita sejarah dari tokoh-tokoh besar di era pecahnya Mataram Islam.

Hal ini tentunya hanya menjadi cecolok atau bahan yang mungkin masih sangat subyektif dan masih jauh dari kata sempurna. Cerita ini disusun berdasar dari jejak telusur, literasi, cerita tutur dari para tokoh yang memiliki kaitan dengan darah leluhur di Ponjong dan Ngawen khususnya dan beberapa wilayah di Gunungkidul. Semoga hal ini dapat menjadi pemantik dan penggugah untuk mencari kebenaran dari apa yang selama ini ditutup. Sehingga harapannya suatu saat nanti dapat terurai setelah penemuan-penemuan selanjutnya sehingga dapat tercipta cerita sejarah yang lebih mendekati kebenaran dan menjadi kaca benggala kita semua sebagai anak turunnya.


Salam Rahayu.


Speaker: Omar Suleiman

Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3iHdhrGCqI

The Prophet Saw says, when the first night of Ramadan enters upon you. The first thing that Allah does is He removes the influences, He removes the major devils, the most aggressive of the jinn away from you and puts them in chains. So you’re on this path now and Allah Swt restrains those shayateen from being able to influence you, the way that they would be able to influence you throughout the year. What does that mean? Allah has given you power over the shayateen throughout the entire year. Allah says in the qur’an. “You have no control or authority over my servants except for those who follow you willingly. And the call of the syatan is you will find that most of them will not be grateful people. So you have the power to put your syatans in chains throughout the entire year, figuratively by not obeying them and by reducing them and by sustaining yourself with the gratitude of Allah Swt.

For the one who recognizes the blessings of Allah upon him will not find in himself. The indecency, to sin knowingly and consistently. Majorly or minorly. You won’t find that indecency within yourself because you know the blessings of Allah upon you and you’re grateful to him for them. But in Ramadan Allah pulls them futher back and Allah makes you more aware of your blessings. So while Allah feeds you with shukur with gratitude throughout the day. Through just very act of fasting which should increase that gratitude. Allah also reduces the influence of the shayateen so they become weaker than they already are. They were already weak but now they’re weaker. Now they’re really reduced. So if you think about this, jannah is there it should be common sense that.

If there is paradise and I need to get to paradise when no influence should get in the way but the Prophet Saw mentioned that essentially, what keeps us away from Jannah is not a lack of good deeds. Its our inability to get out of our own way and our following of another path. Allah has already placed us on that path to get back home. We just have to make sure that we don’t take a detour and get away from that path. So the very first thing The Prophet Saw mentions here that the shayateen are restrained. You have no excuses now. You can’t blame the influeces, the influences have been reduced in ways that they will not be reduced throughtout the entire year.

It starts with that, and then The Prophet Saw said, this is beautiful “the gates of hellfire are closed and not a single one of their doors will be opened”. You don’t need to be temted and if you just think about this by the way. The sins that we struggle with and the bad habits thet we struggle with in Ramadan. Are leftovers from that which comes before Ramadan. You’re not gonna be more tempted by sin and disobedience in Ramadan than you’re outside of Ramadan. What I mean by that is that your urges to disobey Allah Swt. Will not increase inside of Ramadan that’s not gonna happen. Most people don’t suddenly take up a new sin in Ramadan. Right, you don’t start doing something that you weren’t doing before Ramadan in terms of sin. That’s very unusual and unlikely.

Instead you have a hard time kicking the previous habits. So no new door of hellfire will be opened, the doors will not be opened for you to sin. You just need to properly let go of the old one, anf make strides and make way in Ramadan. And the greatest accomplishment in Ramadan that you can possibly have beyond the recitation of the Qur’an, beyond the amount of prayer that you do is to kick those bad habits and that should be the greatest metric that you have in Ramadan. The number one thing you need to ask yourself is how much distance have I put between myself and those sins. That were holding me back, that is going to be the standard for success because as Umar ibn Abdul Aziz (R) said Taqwah is not fasting long days and praying long into the night. Taqwah is, abandoning the disobedience of Allah Swt. Abandoning the bad habits, everything beyond that is excellence so this is where you start and this is your standard of success how distant can I make myself from those sins. That have had power over me because the influence they have over me now. And the one who tempts me with those influences are weaker now than they ever will be so if there is ever a time to completely remove those shackles it’s now, its now because they’re weaker now than they ever will be.

Happy Ramadan 1444 H


Allah says, Don’t Worry, a beautiful reminder by brother Mufti Menk.

Allah Swt says (Qur’an 2: 155) We will definitely test you, if you look at that wording of that verse in suratul Baqarah. Allah says, we will definitely indeed very very, confirmed and stressed when I say stressed, I mean Allah has actually said it in a very strong way, he has given it great significance, he says we will definitely test you, with what?

Number 1 test FEAR, what type of fear? Not necessarily one type of fear, all type of fear. You’re worried about your health you’re worried about your food. You worried about your drink, you’re worried about your safety. You’re worried about security, you’re worried about the enemy, you’re worried about animals. You’re worried about electricity, you’re worried about water, you’re worried about ecocash. You’re worried about everything else, Allah says we will test you, its worry its a concern. Its definitely a worry in this country we are going through difficulty, but I want to let you know. It’s not the only country, the most developed countries at this juncture are going through great challenges, huge challenges of a different nature, Subhana’Allah.

Allah says we will test you with fear what are you worried about? Someone asks you, what’s your greatest fear? You have a long list of things to say, I’m worried about this, that how long have you been worried for? I promise you, the last 20-30 years right? Who carried you along? Allah he carried you along. I promise you, you are in a better condition today than you were in the past and we are still worried Subhan’Allah. When we had nothing we were worried now we’ve got something, we are more worried, why is it? Because the reliance is now on what we have no longer on Allah. That’s where the problem is you see what we’re saying. Rely on Allah, Allah says Dont worry. You don’t have, the morsel the next morsel, we will give it to you. But that test of Allah is supposed to be bringing you closer to Allah. He tells you in suratul Baqarah he didn’t even say it later on in the Qur’an.

Right at the beginning, suratul Baqarah, He’s saying, We’re gonna test all of you everyone of you, with what? A little bit of fear, you will be scared sometimes. I explained to you all sorts of different types of fear and hunger, you can understand that on your own, hunger. Sometimes you will be hungry, sometimes there may not be food, sometimes there will be famine. Sometimes there might be money and no food and sometimes there will food and no money. And sometimes there will be neither food nor money, that’s Allah. Subhan’Allah, you will suffer loss, when you suffer loss do you say Alhamdulillah. Allah says you will suffer loss of wealth, your money, boom suddenly one day someone stole it. There was a fire, there was a robbery there was an earthquake. What’s all this about? Allah says that’s the whole reason why we send you on to the Earth. Man, don’t be fooled you know people say you came onto the Earth, just enjoy and you have a lot of money and nice house and everything is smooth it means Allah is happy with you not at all, no ways. Allah says we need to test you. Look at your school, your school to start with, how many of us are educated here? We’ll put up our hands, all of us even the little ones will say we go to school, what’s school all about exam, tests. Do they become easier or more dificult? They become much more dificult as you become closer and closer, higher and higher. You know to rhe end, much more dificult. You’re writing 0-level, you can’t take a kid and put them right up there because you know that’s going to be a difficult exam but when you go through it, what do you say? You come out of the paper and you say Alhamdulillah it was easy, Masha Allah thank Allah, it could of been worse.

source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyXZ_ImBNl4


Reminder by brother Omar Suleiman

What About Al Aqsa?

How do we talk about Al Aqsa?

Allah talks about this land very specifically and talks about this masjid very specifically, Allah calls it. The land that we have blessed from within and we have blessed what is around it not just blessed the land itself. We have blessed what is around it as well. Allah SWT refers to it in the words of prophets that came before Al-Ard Al-Muqoddasa. The Holy Land. And There is something very specific about that Imam Al Binxhozi (R) says it is Called Al-Muqodassa. The Holy land because it is Al Mutahirah. It Purifies you of all of your sins. When you go to that land and you pray on that land. A place where Ibn Abbas (R.A) said the land of the Prophets not a single foot span.

Now realize when youre watching those images of stun grenades and youre watching those images of bullets and youre watching those images of settler extremist chanting out that this is theirs and desecrating people in the land and you see that there’s not a hand span there. That a prophet did not stand in think about that. A Prophet has stood in every single hand span of that land and so every part of it is holy. And what they brought is even more scared and more holy and Musa AS. There’s a reason why when he was dying The Prophet Saw said he was prohibited from it, due to the actions of his people but he asked Allah “O Allah” his dying wish imagine Musa AS dying wish was let me die as close to it as possible. Where I could throw a stone and it would reach that land. So if it hurts us that we are prohibited from Al Aqsa. If it hurts those of us who are Palestian in particular who can’t visit the land of our parents. While colonialist and their enablers can. Then know that prophet Musa AS the most spoken about man in the Quran. Also was prohibited, and the Prophet Saw said if  I were there, i would show you his grave under the red dune. Where Musa AS was granted that request to be as close to it as possible and as muslims while we pray to Makkah today and we know that this was the first qibla of the muslims there’s a reason why Allah Swt didn’t just appoint Al-Kaaba to be the Qibla in the first place. He could of done so, in his glory and his majesty but Allah wanted to honor that place and Allah wanted to honor our Prophet Saw. The Prophet Saw leading the prayer towards the qibla of Al Aqsa and leading the prayer towards the qibla of Al-Kaaba. Shows that he is Imam Al-Mursaleen.

The Imam of the Prophets and the Messengers it was a way of honoring our prophet and it was a way of honoring those places. That Al Aqsa should always remain in the hearts of the muslims even though they pray towards Makkah. When they pray their hearts are attached towards Al Aqsa as well, to the point that the sahaba who prayed towards both qiblas like Annas (R.A) who used to say No one remains on the earth today who prayed towards the two Qiblas. Except for me, he could of honored himself by saying no one lives amongst those that prayed. In Makkah and Medina, no one lives among those that accompanied the Prophet Saw here and there. But He mentioned it as specific honor that I am the last person that exists on the face of the earth that prayed towards both. The Qibla of Al Aqsa and towards the Qibla of Al Masjid Al Haram. May Allah SWT enable us a trip to both of them, Allahumma Ameen.

Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA-REVYgb_4


•Apr 13, 2021

Speaker : Ali Hammuda

In the month of ramadan the Prophet Muhammad Saw would be blessed with a nightly visit, a nightly appointment with Angel Jibreel who’d mutually study with him the Qur’an imagine Subhanallah Al Azeem what a gathering! And descibing this and its effects on the prophet (Saw) the companion abdullah ibn Abbas he said something remarkable. He said (Al Bukhari and Muslim) The Prophet SAW was the most generous of all people. (Al Bukhari and Muslim) and the most generous he would be was in the month of ramadan when Jebreel would meet him. (Al Bukhari and Muslim) He said and Angel Jibreel would meet the Prophet Saw on every night during Ramadan. And study with him the Qur’an, he said (Al Bukhari and Muslim) and when Angel Jebreel would meet him the Messenger Saw would become more generous in doing good than the blowing wind, Subhanallah Al Azeem.

What is the point of mentioning this narration? Take note of this the Greater the Dosage of Qur’an in the life of a person. The Greater the dosage of worship should be that’s what we saw of the Prophet Saw you could say the more he learned. The more he did our era is one of information. Information overload rather. Its not just a weekly friday sermon Alhamdulillah that we are blessed with. Or regular study circles in the mosque or weekend courses but even the internet that has completely removed every limitation on knowledge acquisition. Therefore there must be a recurring point in our life. Where we pause and we ask the question. My knowledge is increasing my knowledge is certainly growing but is it causing me to grow? I’ve learned something new today, what next? These are the questions that will cause our knowledge to become an argument for us on the day of judgement.

On a day when knowledge will be an argument against so many people. Abdul A’alaa Attameemi, he said amazing words take note of this, he said whoever gains knowledge that does not cause him to cry then such a person has not gained beneficial knowledge. He said this is because Allah Swt said in the Qur’an in description of the scholars may Allah make you and I from among them. He said in description of the scholars (Qur’an 17:107) He said, those who are given knowledge before it when it is recited to them they fall upon their faces in prostration. (Qur’an 17:108) and they say, glory be to Allah truly the promise of our Lord must be fulfilled Allah said  (Qur’an 17:109) And they fall upon their faces weeping and the Qur’an increases them in humble submission this is the fruit of knowledge sometimes you learn something and you feel compelled just to put your face on the floor in glorification of Allah Almighty the one above. Do you feel that when you learned something new imam Ahmad he said there isn’t any Hadith that I have written or taking note of except that I first endeavor to apply its teaching see why Allah blessed him and his knowledge? We still singing in his prays today, I applied every hadith that I documented, and by the way unlike some of us Imam Ahmad had memorised hundreds of thousands of narrations and he made it effort to apply each and everyone of them. He learned for example that the prophet Saw Had Hijama cupping therapy done to him. And the he gave therapist one dinar so Imam Ahmad had cupping therapy on him. And he gave the thrapist one dinar, amazing compliance. He learned that the prophet Saw hid in a cave for 3 days during his escape from mecca to medina and so Imam Ahmad sat in a cave for 3 night as well.

A student of knowledge would spend a night with imam ahmad in his home and so Imam Ahmad place for him a container of water in his room. So that can caryy out his washing his wudu for his night prayer. When ahmad came to his room at fajr time for the dawn prayer. He notice that the water had not been moved from its place so Imam Ahmad said to him, Subhanallah! What is this? A student of knowledge who desn’t pray at night? A student of knowledge Ahmad said who doesn’t pray at night in other words? How does that work? And that is why Al hasan Al Basri he also said beautiful words, take note of of it. He said in the past when a person would start his journey of knowledge the effects of his learning would instantly start appearing upon his glances his words, his hand, his prayer, his humility, his minimalism. Allahu Akbar Brothers and sisters our knowledge is growing but are our actions growing? Sufyan Ibn Uyayna he would also say that if I if Im spending my hours during the day foolishly and im spending my night ignorantly then what is the point of this knowledge that im writing? What is the point of it? Beneficial knowledge causes a person to grow in Allah Swt eyes but it causes a person’s own eyes to see himself as something small in other words beneficial knowledge..Causes a person to cry over his weak self and to long the journey that lies a head to Allah. Beneficial knowledge pesters the beliver persistantly demanding its right of application till it is applied knowledge causes growth knowledge cause love of Allah knowledge cause lowering over the gazes knowledge cause a tangible change in our lives. Make this ramadan proof that you have understood this message my dear brother my dear sister.

source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mkkd1lJh9GE


Apr 12, 2021

Speaker: Gabriel Al Romaani

My Dear Brothers and Sisters here we are again, Ramadan is coming and I’m sure last year in the same position with the same thoughts here we are again Ramadan is Coming. This Ramadan I’ll do it, this ramadan i’m going to change, it’s gonna be this one. And yet here you are again today. Listening to this and saying, oh my God wasn’t I just thinking the same thing last year. Yet did I really change? Not so much. And a lot of us feel sad, we feel sometimes depressed, Why Am I not Changing? Why Am I not able to finally make that one year where I’m just changing forever. Why? I keep hearing the lectures.

That one of the indications of acceptance of ramadan is that you change after ramadan, yet I didnt change or I Changed for 1 month, 2 month and I go back to where I was. Why can’t I finally change once and forever. For good I wanna change I’m tired of myself I’m tired of how I feel. I’m tired to always just drag myself and just make the bare minimum. And I’m tired i want to be saved, I want to be better I Want to be a good Muslim but here I Am again, waiting counting the days of ramadan and afraid, that ramadan is gonna go, I’m gonna feel very good I know Insha Allah Ya Rabb. That I’m gonna do well in ramadan, I’m gonna fast, I’m gonna feel good, my iman is going to be high.

Yet I’m gonna be scared as soon as I reach the last 10 days. And towards the last 10 days that that’s it you know what I mean, I’m going to lose it. What Am I gonna do? Like I’m gonna be done. Again I’m gonna go back to the same position that I was before, wishing. For another ramadan, just wishing that Insha Allah I change, but I can’t change.

Why should I feel bad? What should I do? I’m depressed.  I’M Depressed. I’m depressed because of my sins, the darkness of my sins is overtaking me. I’m tired, I’m tired, I’m very very tired I’m losing hope. I’m losing hope, what should I do? Allah SWT tells us in surah AZ Zumar verse 53 : “Qul yā ‘ibādiyallażīna asrafụ ‘alā anfusihim lā taqnaṭụ mir raḥmatillāh, innallāha yagfiruż-żunụba jamī’ā, innahụ huwal-gafụrur-raḥīm.” : Say O my servant who have transgressed against themselves by sinning, do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Do not despair of the mercy of Allah, Indeed Allah forgives all sins, indeed it is He who is the forgiving, the merciful. I’m here to tell you Don’t Lose Hope. I don’t know how many ramadans you’ve been in the same position. Losing Hope.

All I’m telling you, that never lose hope Allah is telling you that He will forgive. Don’t lose hope. So yes you are in this same position again and you might be in this position next year, and the year after. And how many Ramadans Allah SWT will give you Insha Allah till the rest of our lives we experience ramadan. But we’ll remember. Whoever fasts Ramadan with firm faith and conviction Allah will forgive their sins. The same thing whoever fasts, whoever prays ramadan Allah will forgive their sins, All you have to do is have faith and firm conviction Just Believe. Just live today, you are here today Ramadan is in front you. What past, cannot be changed what happens or comes, you don’t know you have no control over, today. You’re welcoming Ramadan today with open heart, remembering that you don’t lose hope in Allah Everyday is Hope every minutes is hope every second is hope. ISLAM is Hope. This is how we live take it one day at a time don’t let the shaytan make you lose hope, Have Hope.  Ya Ibadi” Oh my servant my slave who has transgressed against him or herself do not despair of Allah’s Mercy. Alhamdulillah welcome Ramadan. I will not despair of the mercy of Allah, I will do it as if its the first time Insha Allah.

Source :


Story of a Famous Scholar ᴴᴰ | Emotional Story


Dec 24, 2012

There was a highway robber, a thief very famous at his time. He was in love with one girl, and he had the habbit of sneaking to her house someway, and watching her observing her for some time. And in night he would go and attack caravans, Hajj caravans (travelers) and he would strip them off their property and their wealth and their belongings. He was notorious, to the extend that allot of the caravans most of the time would change route to avoid that area. One night he climbs up the wall of the house of that girl that he loves, and he sneaks into the house, as he was making his way into the house someone was praying Qiyaam Al- Layl. Someone was standing before Allah (swt) and praying at night alone reciting the words of Allah (swt). “Alam ya’ninil ladzina amanu an takhsya’a qulubuhum li dzikrillah” (QS Al Hadid: 16) Hasn’t the time come yet for the believers that their hearts pay heed and feel humility to the words of Allah?

Hasn’t that time come yet? And the words Shook him! And grabbed his heart and he was moved deep inside, it hit a cord. He started thinking about these words and he forgot the main reason why he came to this house. And the only response that was on his tongue his spontaneous response was “In deed my Lord, the time has come” and that moment he changed so he went out of this house, roaming aimlessly. Contemplating his life, contemplating his past, his behaviour, his reputation and his future and his relationship with Allah.

He ended up with a group of people who gathered together and they lit a fire, and they were travelers, strangers. He asked their permission to join them, he sat with them. And they were disputing wether to spend the night there, or to carry on their journey. And one of them said we should stay here because theres that famouse thief that famous robber. Thats his are and if we carry on traveling he might jump on us and you know we will be in trouble. So lets spend the night here then we will st off in the morning. And the name they mentioned the name of that thief was this very person. It made him think to himself what did I do that people fear me that much. What kind of curse i have become to humans, to humanity that people dont even feel safe about their lives and about their property because of me.

All of this made him question his life question his way of life. Then he made the decision that I will change because its my responsibility. Its not someone elses responsibility to change me and set me on the right course, its my own initiative and if I dont take it. It might never happen and I will face the consequences on the Day of Judgement. And thats exactly what he did and he became one of the famous scholars. One of the famous worshippers in the history of Al-Islam and thats Al-Fudayl Ibn Iyad. Thats the story of Al-Fudayl Ibn Iyad until today the book that talk about our relationship with Allah (swt). How to purify ourselves? How to become better Muslims? Better believer have dozens of his beautiful statements full of wisdom. Who was one day a thief, famous one.

Source :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iffXA-bTWQ